
Our Vision, Values and Mission

Sure we're a business, but we do actually care so much about changing the lives of our patients and trying to help as many people as possible by making our EvoSolution as accessible and affordable as we can.

  • Our Vision

    • A functional, confident smile on every face.

Our History

EvoDental has specialised exclusively in full mouth dental implants since 2007. Now with a team of 100+ experts, clinicians, nurses and engineers across our multiple UK locations, this is our story...

More than 30 years ago, Dr Padmanabhhan Vijayanarayanan, a bright, ambitious young radiologist working in Brunei, decided he had to help his wife who had struggled for years with poor oral health. Back then,it was either ill-fitting dentures or multiple trips around the globe seeking pioneering new procedures at a cost of $80,000. He chose the latter, which would ultimately take two years and numerous trips overseas to deliver ad solution…It worked.

A previously unhappy wife and mother’s life was transformed. Little did he know at the time that, 20 years later, EvoDental would start a clinic in Liverpool dedicated exclusively to full mouth dental implants – evolving ultimately to limit practice to full-arch rehabilitation in 2014– before going on to open a second clinic in London Heathrow in 2015, and third clinic in Birmingham in 2021.

EvoDental through the years

  1. 1986
  2. Vijayanarayanan Family - Evo Dental
  3. Vijayanarayanan Family
  4. 2007
  5. Opening Of Our Liverpool Clinic - Evo Dental
  6. EvoDental open their Liverpool clinic to focus solely on dental implant therapy
  7. 2012
  8. Year Of Vertical Integration - Evo Dental
  9. EvoDental becomes vertically integrated, bringing a lab and marketing team in-house
  10. 2013
  11. An extra-oral scanner, design software and a milling machine are introduced to develop EvoDental's first digital workflow
  12. 2014
  13. EvoDental decides to focus exclusivly on full arch dental implant rehabilitation
  14. 2015
  15. EvoDental's second clinic in London opens
  16. 2020
  17. New and improved digital workflow introduced during COVID lockdown
  18. 2021
  19. Opening Of Our Solihull Clinic - Evo Dental
  20. EvoDental opens third clinic in Birmingham, launch the EvoInstitute and EvoPartner programme
  21. 2021
  22. EvoDental introduces photogrammetry to further advance digital workflow
  23. 2021
  24. Harley Street Clinic - Evo Dental
  25. EvoDental opens fourth location in Harley Street, London
  26. 2023
  27. evodental leeds treatment room
  28. EvoDental opens fifth state of the art clinic in Leeds
  29. 2023
  30. evodental dartford
  31. EvoDental opens sixth location in Dartford
  32. 2024
  33. evodental bristol
  34. EvoDental opens their seventh dental implant clinic in Bristol

Our Technology and Expertise

Technology forms the foundation of everything we do at EvoDental. By collaborating closely with our suppliers and sharing thevast amounts of data we have collected in the field of full arch dental implant rehabilitation with them, we not only have access tocutting edge technology, but we also help to shape it.

At EvoDental, we conduct frequent multi-disciplinary team meetings (MDT’s) so that we can have rich discussions about ourpatients’ treatment and outcome. Our technical and clinical teams come together to discuss each case before reaching a consensus on the best way to approach it; ensuring the right result for the patient.

A few words from our Managing Director, Karl

Meet Karl. He's the managing director of EvoDental and joined the company back in 2019.


Hi, my name is Karl and I’m the Managing Director at EvoDental. Originally a Mechanical Engineer, I’ve been involved in dentistry for almost 30 years, latterly focused on innovative, high-tech digital technologies. My role at EvoDental is to develop the strategy, collaborating with the senior leadership team, then working across our multi-disciplinary team to ensure we deliver the plan, especially our pinpoint focus on excellent patient outcomes. Since joining EvoDental in early 2019 I can honestly say every day I hear stories of how our incredible team have positively impacted our patient’s lives, which makes my role extremely fulfilling.

Senior Leadership Team

K.P Doyle - Evo Dental

KP Doyle

KP has a wealth of experience in multi-site healthcare services, including running groups of dental practices, private hospitals, physiotherapy and rehab centres, also gym chains. As chair of EvoDental, KP is responsible for guiding the executive team on corporate governance, key decision making on the group’s strategic direction, and investments focused on excellent patient-centric care. …


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Alister Brew - Evo Dental

Alistair Brew

Alistair has been on the EvoDental board since 2017 when he led an investment into the business by BGF. His role is to challenge the executive team and support the growth of the business. Alistair is a qualified Chartered Accountant and has been investing into businesses across a range of sectors on behalf of institutional …


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Karl O'Higgins - Managing Director

Karl O’Higgins

Hi, my name is Karl and I’m the Managing Director at EvoDental. Originally a Mechanical Engineer, I’ve been involved in dentistry for almost 30 years, latterly focused on innovative, high-tech digital technologies. My role at EvoDental is to develop the strategy, collaborating with the senior leadership team, then working across our multi-disciplinary team to ensure …


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Manoj Vijayanarayanan - Evo Dental

Manoj Vijayanarayanan

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Rudi - Evo Dental Dr Rudi Mukherjee

Dr Rudi Mukherjee

I joined EvoDental in 2016 and have been Clinical Lead of the London Supercentre since 2017. I oversee the care of all the patients that join the Evo family when they put their trust in our team to change their lives. Since becoming a dentist, I have always been involved in Dental Implantology and my …


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