
In these terms and conditions references to ‘Evo’, ‘We’, ‘Us’ and ‘Our’ means Evo Dental Centre Limited trading as ‘EvoDental’, a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 06298583 and Our registered office is at Units 5-8 Paramount Business Park, Wilson Road, Liverpool, England, L36 6AW.

References to ‘You’, ‘Your’ or ‘Patient’ means You the Patient. Our contract with You

Our acceptance of Your treatment will take place when We tell You that We are able to provide You with the services, which We will also confirm in writing to You (the “Treatment Plan”), at which point a contract will come into existence between You and Us.

If We are unable to accept Your treatment, We will inform You of this and will not charge You for the services which have not been provided. This might be because of unexpected limits on Our resources which We could not reasonably plan for or because We have identified an error in the price or description of the services.

Terms Used in these Terms and Conditions

EvoEssential“ means a monolithic polymer implant retained prosthesis;

EvoSolution” means any of the chosen Evo Product plans as detailed in the Treatment Plan; and

EvoAdvanced” means an implant retained prosthesis with a metal sub-structure and a polymer superstructure;

EvoUltimate” means an implant retained prosthesis with a metal sub-structure and a Zircona superstructure in upper arch; and polymer superstructure in the lower arch:

Biological warranty” is our commitment to reasonably rectify any complications that occur as a result a biological failure of dental implant treatment.

Mechanical warranty” is our commitment to reasonably rectify any complications that occur as a result of mechanical failure of your EvoSolution. This does not cover wear and tear.

Cancellation Fee” is charged at 80% of the treatment plan


DTP” A monolithic polymer prosthesis used for then prosthesis of short term trial. Payment Terms and Other Associated Costs

The cost of Your treatment will be the price of the services (which includes VAT) will be the price set out above.

Treatment, as detailed above, must be paid in full before You commence Your treatment:

If paying by Card/Cash/Cheque – on Your validation appointment.

  • If through finance – Finance must be signed before your Reset day appointment.
  • If additional appointments are added through patient choice (e.g., a second full clinical assessment), We reserve the right to charge an additional fee.
  • In rare cases, additional appointments may be required to achieve the best long term result. In such cases, We do not offer compensation (e.g. for travel or loss of earnings).
  • All prices are VAT inclusive. Prices are valid for 3 months from the date of the Treatment Plan.
  • The total Treatment Plan cost relates to the Evo package of care undertaken at Evo. For patients who decide to discontinue their treatment at Evo and attempt to continue at another dental practice, additional fees may apply.

For cost-related queries, please speak to Your Patient Co-ordinator.

1. Packages of Care – Patient Suitability Criteria must

  • Read and sign all Evo terms, consent and patient information documentation provided.
  • Confirm in writing that You accept that Our clinical judgment is final.
  • Be medically fit for Our treatment. General Practitioner sign-off may be required in certain cases.
  • Have expectations aligned with what is anatomically and biologically possible. For example, if a patient has high and exacting expectations that, in Our clinical judgement, cannot be predictably achieved, Evo will refuse the patient treatment.
  • Be psychologically ready for full jaw reconstruction.
  • Have a level of oral disease that according to Our clinicians (in their absolute discretion) makes it appropriate to proceed with irreversible dental surgery.
  • Understand the risks associated with smoking cigarettes and recreational drugs on dental implant success and any such habits will invalidate warranties.
  • Not have a medical status that is an absolute contraindication to dental implant treatment.

2. Packages of Care – Warranty Terms & Conditions Your Commitments to Us

  • You must adhere to and follow the advice and judgement of the Evo clinical team.
  • You must maintain a meticulous standard of home care, oral hygiene and maintenance techniques.
  • You must adhere to the Treatment Plan timeframes and not deviate from Evo treatment package of care. Evo, however, reserve the right to amend the Treatment Plan as necessary, based on changing clinical criteria.
  • Maintenance appointments.
    • a. Your maintenance appointments are for us to check that the integration of Your implants is continuing and that the supporting structures (your bone and gums) are healthy.
    • b. The Evo team will determine the recall interval required for your maintenance appointments based on your risk factors and treatment complexity.
    • c. Failure to attend Your maintenance within a month of its scheduled date will result in Your warranty being null and void.
    • d. (For patients who have teeth on the opposing side of their mouth) Our Maintenance examinations do not replace the existing dental examinations that Your own dentist undertakes for You on the rest of Your remaining natural teeth on the opposing side of Your mouth. It is very important to continue seeing Your own general dentist for ongoing reviews of the opposing natural teeth at intervals agreed with him or her. We also strongly recommend that You see Your usual hygienist as prescribed by your dentist for hygiene therapy for Your remaining natural teeth.
  • You must not allow any dental care professional (other than an Evo clinician) to touch or adjust Our Evo prosthetics, without a written request by email (from the clinician) and a written consent by email (from an Evo clinician). If Our prosthetics are touched or adjusted by anyone else who is not an Evo clinician, Your warranty will be null and void.
  • You must provide us with a complete and accurate:
    • a. Medical history: and inform us immediately of any changes to this; including all changes to any medication You have been prescribed.
    • b. Contact details: and inform us immediately of any changes to this; including all changes to telephone numbers, email addresses or addresses.
  • If You decide to discontinue or delay Your Treatment Plan before it is complete, You must pay any reasonable outstanding treatment costs incurred up to that date, as calculated at Our complete discretion. You will not be required to pay anything for any treatment that has not been started. Delays to treatment may imply changes to Your Treatment Plan and additional costs.

3. Warranty Exclusions

The warranties referred to in these Terms and Conditions will be deemed null in any of the following events:

  • If You smoke. (We conduct tests if we suspect smoking)
  • Where You have an outstanding balance on Your account, until such a time as full payment has been made of any outstanding balance.
  • Damage occurring as a consequence of further dental treatment not provided by Us, opposing jaw treatment, accidental damage/undue care (e.g. sport injuries, cracking nuts with teeth) and illness.
  • Patients who develop medical conditions or start to take medications which may have an impact on the health of their dental implants.
  • Patients who complete their Treatment Plan at another dental practice.
  • If a medication is prescribed by an Evo clinician, and the patient chooses to not use or discontinue using it.
  • Failure of the implants due to wear and tear.
  • Failure to follow Your aftercare and home care instructions.
  • Failure to maintain a good standard of oral hygiene during and after completion of the treatment.

4. Limitation of Liability

Our total liability to You shall not exceed the cost of the treatment as detailed above. limitation of liability applies to every liability arising under or in connection with these Terms and Conditions including liability in contract, tort (including negligence), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall limit any liability which cannot legally be limited including liability for:

  • Death or personal injury caused by Our
  • negligence; and
  • Fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

We are not responsible for delays outside Our control. If Our performance of the services is affected by an event outside Our control then We will contact You as soon as possible to let You know and We will take steps to minimise the effect of the delay. Provided We do this We will not be liable for delays caused by the event.

5. Our Commitment to Our Patients

Dental implant treatment is an elective procedure, and as with all medical treatment it is essential that You have sufficient information to understand fully before You give Your consent and commence treatment. As such, the Evo team will question You to ensure that Your treatment expectations and wishes are understood, so that We can guide You appropriately.

Clinical Assessment appointments are provided free of charge. We will, however, on scheduling the appointment, require Your credit card details to pre-authorise the appointment slot.

If You are going to be late for Your appointment.

Phone (not email) the clinic to let us know at least 1 hour before Your appointment. If the phone is engaged, leave a voicemail and We will return Your call. If You are late for Your appointment and have not let us know within this time period, We reserve the right to offer the appointment to another patient.

A Treatment Plan will be agreed between You and Evo. You will be required to sign to give Your consent to the treatment before Your treatment commences. You have right to withdraw Your consent at any time.

All Evo clinicians are registered with the General Dental Council (the “GDC”) and are fully indemnified to undertake the treatment associated with Your treatment. Evo are responsible for ensuring that Your treatment is carried out appropriately, safely and in line with the best evidence currently available.

At each stage of Your treatment We will give You detailed verbal and written aftercare instructions. It is imperative for the short, medium and long term success of Your implants that You follow these instructions. If there is anything You do not understand, just ask – and We will provide You with the necessary support and information.

At each stage of Your treatment, Evo will seek Your ongoing consent to move to the next stage. If during Your treatment, Your Evo clinician feels that You need further or alternative or supporting treatment due to unforeseen circumstances, he or she will explain the reasons for this and seek Your consent prior to commencing any treatment not detailed in Your treatment plan.

6. Email and SMS appointment reminders

Email & SMS appointment reminders are sent as a courtesy. As with all forms of electronic communication, email & SMS is not always reliable. In the event that an email or SMS is not received and You miss Your appointment, a missed appointment fee may still be payable if You have not given us appropriate notice that You are unable to keep Your appointment.

Evo use email as Our main means of communication with patients, since it is the most effective means of communication. With Your email appointment reminders, it is important that you:

  • Provide us with a working email address;
  • Save Evo as a ‘trusted’ sender (i.e. do not black-list us); and
  • Check Your email frequently.

7. Appointment rescheduling and cancellations

To allow us a reasonable amount of time to rebook the scheduled time with another patient:

  • If a non-surgical appointment needs to be rescheduled or cancelled, phone (not email or text) the clinic between 9am and 6pm a minimum of TWO working days’ notice before Your appointment.
  • If Your Reset Day (surgical) appointment needs to be rescheduled or cancelled, phone (not email or text) the clinic between 9am and 6pm a minimum of TEN days’ notice before Your appointment

We reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee if You do not notify us within this time period. If You give us this appropriate notice that You wish to reschedule or cancel, We will not charge You a cancellation fee.

Due to their critical nature and timing, the 6 Month Sign-off, Advanced, Essential or Ultimate bridge fits, and Annual Maintenance appointments cannot be cancelled. They can, however, be rescheduled within a month of their allocated schedule.

Please do not arrive unannounced at the clinic, as it is possible We may not be able to see you.

Clinical Assessment Appointment rescheduling or cancellation

Phone (not email) the clinic to let us know at least 1 hour before Your appointment. If the phone is engaged, leave a voicemail and We will return Your call. If You are late for Your appointment and have not let us know within this time period, We reserve the right to offer the appointment to another patient.

If You need an emergency appointment, please phone the clinic so that We can try to find a time that suits You and does not clash with other booked appointments. Please do not arrive unannounced at the clinic, as it is possible We may not be able to see you.

8. Treatment Plan timeframe

Every care is taken by Evo to ensure We provide the best possible treatment for you. The provision of complex dental treatment is always, by its very nature, subject to individual variances. We always try to predict how long treatment rehabilitation will take so You can plan other aspects of Your life with some degree of certainty.

The treatment timeframe is an estimated treatment time, not a definitive timeframe. Your treatment may take longer than We estimate or You may need additional appointments to achieve the best possible result. We do not compensate in circumstances where additional appointments are required.

Let us know if You have any important dates in Your diary (travel, holiday, wedding, work), so We can plan appropriately.

9. Discontinuing an Evo Package of Care

A full jaw or full mouth dental implant Treatment Plan requires a very good two-way professional and communicative relationship between the Evo team members and You. Both Patient and the Evo clinician / team have the right to discontinue treatment at any time if there is a breakdown in communication or trust. You will not be entitled to a refund.

10. Problems or urgent queries

Phone (not email) the clinic if You have any questions, concerns or queries – or if You have pain, discomfort, or have signs of infection such as redness or swelling. If the phone is engaged, leave a voicemail and We will return Your call.

In clinical cases, You will be sent an email template to reply to, in order that We can receive the details of Your problem in the most thorough way possible.

Please do not contact Your own general dentist or a dentist from another clinic, as he/she will not have the appropriate knowledge or access to Your clinical records.

11. Privacy Notice

The practice aims to meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018, the United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the guidelines on the Information Commissioner’s website as well as our professional guidelines and requirements.

The data controller is Vicki Milton. The information governance lead is Angela Robinson.

This Privacy Notice is available on the practice website at https://evodental.com/privacy-policy// at reception/ by email if you contact contact@evodental.com / by calling 020 8124 6772.

You will be asked to provide personal information when joining the practice. The purpose of processing your personal data is to provide you with optimum dental health care and prevention.

The categories and examples of data we process are:

  • Personal data for the provision of dental health care
  • Personal data for the purposes of providing treatment plans, recall appointments, reminders or estimates
  • Personal data such as details of family members for the provision of health care to children or for emergency contact details
  • Personal data for the purposes of employed and self-employed team members employment and engagement respectively
  • Personal data for the purposes of direct mail/email to inform you of important announcements or about new treatments or services
  • Personal data – IP addresses so that we can understand our patients better and inform our marketing approach as well as improve the web site experience
  • Special category data including health records for the purposes of the delivery of health care and meeting our legal obligations
  • Special category data including health records
  • Special category data to meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010
  • Special category data details of criminal record checks for employees and contracted team members

We minimise the data that we keep, and do not keep it for longer than necessary.

The reasons we process the data include:

  • To maintain your contemporaneous clinical records
  • To provide you with dental treatment, prevention and oral health advice
  • To carry out financial transactions with you
  • To send your personal data to the General Dental Council or other authority as required by law
  • To communicate with you as and when required including appointment reminders, treatment plans, estimates and other communications about your treatment or the practice
  • To communicate with your next of kin in an emergency
  • If a parent or carer to communicate with you about the person you parent or care for
  • To refer you to other dentists or doctors and health professionals as required
  • To obtain criminal record disclosures for team members
  • For debt recovery
  • To continually improve the care and service you receive from us

The personal data we process includes:

Your name, address, gender, date of birth, NHS number, medical history, dental history, family medical history, family contact details, marital status financial details for processing payment, your doctor’s details and details of treatment at the practice. We may process more sensitive special category data including ethnicity, race, religion, or sexual orientation so that we can meet our obligations under the Equality Act 2010, or for example to modify treatment to suit your religion and to meet NHS or HSC obligations.

The retention period for special data in patient records is a minimum of 10 years and may be longer for complex records or to meet our legal requirements. The retention periods for other personal data is 2 years after it was last processed. Details of retention periods are available in the Record Retention (M 215) procedure available from the practice.

We have carried out a Privacy Impact Assessment in Sensitive Information Map, PIA and Risk Assessment (M 217Q) and you can request a copy from the details below. The details of how we ensure security of personal data is in our Security Risk Assessment (M 217M) and Information Governance Procedures (M 217C).

Comments, suggestions and complaints

Please contact the IG Lead at the practice for a comment, suggestion or a complaint about your data processing at contact@evodental.comor 020 8124 6772 or by writing to or visiting the practice at Unit 5-8, Paramount Business Park, Huyton, Merseyside, L36 6AW We take complaints very seriously.

If you are unhappy with our response or if you need any advice you should contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Their telephone number is 0303 123 1113, you can also chat online with an advisor. The ICO can investigate your claim and take action against anyone who’s misused personal data. You can also visit their website for information on how to make a data protection complaint.

Related practice procedures

You can also use these contact details to request copies of the following practice policies or procedures:

  • Data Protection and Information Security Policy (M 233-CNS)
  • Sensitive Information Map, PIA and Risk Assessment (M 217Q), Information Governance Procedures (M 217C), Record Retention (M 215)

If you have an enquiry or a request please contact the Information Governance Lead

Angela Robinson
EvoDental – Liverpool ,
Unit 5-8, Paramount Business Park, Huyton, Merseyside, L36 6AW
Email: contact@evodental.com ,
Phone: 020 8124 6772.

We never pass your personal details to a third party unless we have a contract for them to process data on our behalf and will otherwise keep it confidential. If we intend to refer a patient to another practitioner or to secondary care such as a hospital we will gain the individual’s permission before the referral is made and the personal data is shared. Your data will be shared with the NHS in England, Scotland and Wales or the HSC in Northern Ireland if you are having NHS or HSC treatment.

  • Personal data is stored in the EU whether in digital or hard copy format
  • Personal data is obtained when a patient joins the practice, when a patient is referred to the practice and when a patient subscribes to an email list

For full details or where your data is stored, please ask to see Information Governance Procedures (M 217C)

We have established the following lawful bases for processing your data:

Our lawful bases for processing personal data:

  • The legitimate interests of the dental practice
  • Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with the data subject or to take steps to enter into a contract
  • Consent of the data subject
  • To comply with our legal obligations

Our Article 9 conditions for processing special category data:

  • Processing is necessary for health care purposes
  • Processing necessary for identifying or keeping under review the existence or absence of equality of opportunity or treatment between groups of people with the view to enabling such equality to be promoted or maintained
  • We obtain consent of the data subject to process criminal record checks

We obtain your personal details when you enquire about our care and service, when you join the practice, when you subscribe to our newsletter or register online, when you complete a registration or medical history form and when another practitioner refers you for treatment at our practice. Occasionally patients are referred to us from other official sources such as NHS clinics or hospitals.

You have the following personal data rights:

  • The right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data
  • The right of access – to have a copy of the data we hold about you. Generally, we will not charge for this service
  • The right to rectification – to correct the data we have if it is inaccurate or incomplete
  • The right to deletion of your personal data (clinical records must be retained for a certain time period)
  • The right to restrict processing of your personal data
  • The right to data portability – to have your data transferred to someone else
  • The right to object to the processing of your personal data
  • Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling

Further details of these rights can be seen in our Information Governance Procedures (M 217C) or at the Information Commissioner’s website. Here are some practical examples of your rights:

  • If you are a patient of the practice you have the right to withdraw consent for important notifications, newsletters, surveys or marketing. You can inform us to correct errors in your personal details or withdraw consent from communication methods such as telephone, email or text. You have the right to obtain a free copy of your patient records within one month
  • If you are not a patient of the practice you have the right to withdraw consent for processing personal data, to have a free copy of it within one month, to correct errors in it or to ask us to delete it. You can also withdraw consent from communication methods such as telephone, email or text

12. Evo Implant component materials

Your implants are the anchors, the foundation of the ‘restoration’ that You will see in Your mouth.

At Evo, We use dental implant components. They are made from titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V (grade 5) and Ti-6Al-4V ELI (grade 23), manufactured to Evo specifications.

13. Evo Products

Evo Solutions are manufactured in, Our in-house laboratories to extremely high standards, and all adhere to the necessary legislation required under English law.

You will be provided with two progressively refined (zero palate) implant-retained prostheses:

  • 1DS™. A one piece polymer prosthesis fitted on the Day Of Surgery.
  • DP1™. A grade 5 titanium sub frame and medical grade polymer superstructure and pink polymer gingiva. It is fitted several weeks after the Day of Surgery.
  • EvoEssential“ means a monolithic polymer implant retained prosthesis;

14. Patient Complaints

Our complaints procedure can be found on our website. www.evodental.com

15. Your legal rights

See the box below for a summary of your key legal rights in relation to the services. Nothing in these terms will affect your legal rights.

Summary of your key legal rights

This is a summary of your key legal rights. These are subject to certain exceptions. For detailed information please visit the Citizens Advice website www.adviceguide.org.uk or call 03454 04 05 06.

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 says:

you can ask us to repeat or fix a service if it’s not carried out with reasonable care and skill, or get some money back if we can’t fix it.

if you haven’t agreed a price beforehand, what you’re asked to pay must be reasonable.

if you haven’t agreed a time beforehand, it must be carried out within a reasonable time.
  1. Nobody else has any rights under these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions are between You and Us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.
  2. Severance
    If any provision or part-provision of these Terms and Conditions are or become invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of this agreement.
  3. Jurisdiction
    These Terms and Condition and any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with them or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.
    Each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions or its subject matter or formation.

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