

Hi I’m Danny senior Dental technician at EvoDental. I have been in the dental profession all my life since leaving school at the age of 15. I got an apprenticeship at a dental surgery where I served my time and for many years worked alongside this same dentist where we built an understanding of each other to produce quality appliances for the patients. I have moved on in my career over the years with other technicians and dentists at other dental laboratories again always improving my skills and techniques.

Then 12 years ago an opportunity for me opened at EvoDental to become an implant technician which I grabbed with both hands and over these years have been able to learn and experience the amazing science and technical skills of implantology.

After what I have learned and developed at EvoDental, I am proud to be able to pass on to younger and new technicians, all that I have learnt and experienced from 48 years in the dental profession. This inspires me because of the team of people that we have at EvoDental, who all have the same passion to produce the best possible quality for our patients.

Outside of work, I have a wonderful wife, two daughters and two grandsons whom I love spending time with and doing family things together, we have two dogs who I also love spending time with. My other passions are my motorcycles when the weather is nice and DIY again when the weather is nice.

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